Start your first blog today!!
Anyone can make money through blogging within 2-3 months. Seriously.
Table of Contents
- Start your first blog today!!
- What is a blog?
- Why You shouldn’t start a blog?
- Why you should start your blog?
- How to start a blog in 2023?
- How to make money through blogs?
- Conclusion
If you are reading this blog right now, then there are chances that you might want to start your own blog, but you might have some doubts.
So in today’s post I will give you a complete step by step guidance on how to start a blog and make money through it.
What is a blog?
Before dealing with the other element of blogging, lets know what blogging actually mean.
Well frankly speaking, we all know the meaning of a blog, in fact the post which you are reading right now is itself a blog post.
So, lets first define a meaning of a blog, although it’s not important though, but we will still define it’s meaning for the sake of beginners.
A blog is any piece of content which provide information about any particular topic in form of article or post on internet.
Now we know the meaning of blog, so let’s talk how you can start your own blog, but before that lets’s discuss why you shouldn’t start a blog.
Why You shouldn’t start a blog?
There are 100s of reason why you start a blog but there is a core reason why you shouldn’t start a blog, and the reason is to make money.
I know it might sound surprising, because I was the one who told you that you can earn good amount of money through blogs.
Then why now I am saying that you shouldn’t start a blog to make money. Well its absolutely true that you can earn good amount of money through blogs, in fact some of my friends earn ₹100,000-300,000 a month.
If we can earn that amount of money through blogs, then why I am suggesting you to not to start blog just to make money?
Main reason why you shouldn’t start a blog
Well the answer is in the question itself. You should start your blog just to make money, because it won’t work for long time. If you start your blog with the intention of just to make money, then sooner or later you will quit.
And I am saying this because I know some people who start blogging with just intention to make money but they quit within 1 months because they can’t able to make quick money and since their primary motive was to make money, and when they couldn’t able to achieve that, they quit.
My intention is to not demotivate you guys, but rather I wanted to be honest with you guys, and that’s why I clearly said to not start blog just to earn money.
Again I am not against earning money through blogs, in fact even I am earning through my blogs, but my primary motivation is not just to earn money.
I write blogs and article because I love to write about my favorite topics and niche.
And I would suggest you guys to write for your passion and hobbies.
Now we know why you shouldn’t start a blog, so let’s discuss why you start your blog.
Why you should start your blog?
Here are few reasons why you should start a blog:
- You love to write about different topics.
- You love to explore different topics of different niche .
- You are ready to put efforts while writing your blogs.
- You can write blogs and articles even if you didn’t get any traffic on your blog.
Now we even know why we should start our blog, so let’s discuss how we can start our blog, what are the basic requirements and what kind of tools you need in order to write your first blog.
How to start a blog in 2023?
Now we know why we should and shouldn’t start a blog, so now it’s time to know how you can start your blog in 2023, actually not just in 2023, but also beyond that.
Instead of explaining how to start a blog, in long paragraphs , I am creating few segments and then I will provide you step bt step guidance.
1 Select your niche
You may want to say, Hey Hukum I am completely beginner in blogging, i don’t know what is a niche and what are you talking about.
Well don’t worry about that, I will explain everything. So let me start with niche.
If you Google the word “niche”, you will get different results for that however we are talking about a specific type of niche.
Here niche refers to a specific category on which you want to start your blog.
For example, here at squarebox my niche is related to technology and personal finance, which means I will only write articles related to technology, such as meta verse, digital marketing, blockchain and so on.
And in personal finance segment I will write blogs related to personal finance, how to save or invest money and so on.
So I would suggest you to choose your niche, suppose if your niche is related to recipes, then you should only write your blogs related to recipe of different dishes.
Don’t start to write about Hollywood TV dramas or don’t start to publish news articles on your blog.
Be specific and specified to your niche.
2 Select a name for your blog
Selecting a name for your blog is one of the most important step which you need to take, because everything starts with a name 😉
and you should choose your blog name carefully because your blog name specify your niche.
And when I say you should choose your blog name wisely, I am saying you to choose your domain name.
For those who don’t know what a domain name is, in short a domain name is the URL of your website/ blog. For example, the domain name or the name of my blog is, and similar to that you can choose your blog name also.
3 Choose your domain and hosting provider
There are plenty of domain and hosting providers available in market, however I would suggest you to get your domain and hosting from hostinger.
I personally use Hostinger to host my all websites and not only that, you can get a free domain name of your choice if you opt for a hosting plan.
You can check out Hostinger by clicking here .
4 Setting up your blog website
Okay, now you have your domain name as well as you have your own hosting, so now it’s time to set up your blogging website.
I would not explain step by step procedure to how to create a website, because that’s not the topic for today’s blog, instead I would suggest you to watch the following tutorial.
You can follow this video, and create your own blogging website within a couple of hours.
I am sure that if you will follow the video, you can create your blogging website even if you are a complete beginner.
5 Write your first blog
Now you have your own blogging website and you are all set to write your first blog.
Since you have created your blogging website through WordPress, you can create amazing blogs and posts. You can write blogs based upon your niche and your interests. and through WordPress editor you can add images and videos in your blog.
Once you are done with your blog, you can publish it and then your blog will be live for your audience.
How to make money through blogs?
We have done everything, from choosing blog name to writing and publishing articles and blogs so now its time to generate some sort of revenue through our blogs.
There are different ways through which you can generate revenue through your blogs, however I would suggest you to focus on only two of them and they are the most common but major source of revenue for different bloggers.
You can generate revenue through your blogs by two ways, the first one is Google AdSense and the other one is through Affiliate Marketing.
Lets discuss both of them one by one.
1 Google AdSense
Google AdSense is a program of Google under which users can sign up and register their websites / blogs and if their blog/ website qualifies Google parameters then the user can monetize website and generate some revenue through it.
For better understanding I am providing a video below, you can watch that video and you can understand Google AdSense in a better way.
2 Through Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is another way through which you can generate revenue through your blogs. In this you have to promote brands on your website / blogs by sharing their sponsored links and on every successful referral you will receive your commission.
However different brands have different affiliate programs and different rules, and based on that rules you can earn different amounts of commission.
At the end I would like to say, creating a blog is easy however generating revenue through it will take time and your dedication. You can’t expect to make money through blogs over night.
However if you will put efforts and time, you can make good amount of money through it.
Always remember, write your blogs in such a away that you are speaking to humans.
Be You, Be Honest and Be Transparent.
If you have any questions or suggestion for me, feel free to comment below.
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